GoutWatcher - The Purine-Counter-App!


Simple Purine-Counter: listed food products (290 entries) are marked as consumed by wiping. The patient suffering gout is able to track daily limits easily.


  • Base list with 290 food products
  • Food products are categorised describing the amount of generated uric acid by 100g portion
    • <50mg/100g = low = green
    • 50-150mg/100g = medium = amber
    • >150mg/100g = high = red
  • Mark food products as consumed
  • Summary of consumed amount of uric acid/purine 
  • Hit thresholds (70% and 90% of 500mg/100g) highlighted in different colours (amber, red)

Chargeable features (In-App-Purchases)

  • Feature Set 1
    • Export list of consumed food products of past 7 days as CSV possible; sending by mail or storing locally
    • Weekly average (7 days) of the amount of consumed uric acid/purine calculated and displayed
    • Download of extended food product list (390 entries)
  • Watch Complication (in preparation)
    • Amount of consumed uric acid/purine summed and displayed as symbol on connected Apple Watch

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